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Kalyn Steranko

Owner, Operator, Popcorn Fanatic

Kalyn is co-founder and head trainer at Amped Advantage. She is a Master Trainer for XBody Canada, Certified Personal Trainer, level 1 Nutritionist, and level 2 EMS Specialist. She has been in the fitness industry for 8 years. Her Passion for health and fitness began at a very young age and through sports and exercise her love turned into a career of Personal Training.


In 2016 Kalyn discovered XBody through a family member and wanted to bring the technology to Western Canada. Since Amped Advantage opened its doors in 2017 Kalyn has been using EMS to help people from all walks of life become happier, healthier, and stronger with her unique blend of old school fitness techniques.


EMS helps Kalyn eat her cake and have abs too.

Devin Holmes-Smith

Owner, Manager, Hockey Enthusiast

Devin is co-founder and General Manager of Amped Advantage.


His passion for athletics started at a young age which included high level ice hockey and provincial field hockey. His experience in fitness stems from decades of performance based fitness and has evolved with his Level 1 Electric Muscle Stimulation Specialist certification. 


Since Amped's inception Devin has been pushing the envelope on the capabilities of the technology and is heading our performance based training section. 


EMS helps Devin stay fit despite numerous injuries 


Ashley Camponi

Tiny, Feisty, Loves Cats


Ashley is a very balanced trainer. She is the perfect blend of kick your ass and compassion. She understands that not everyone comes in feeling 100 percent and is able to quickly adapt to ensure you have a great workout!

Ashley’s fitness journey kicked off when she started TaeKwondo at a young age where she eventually represented the Alberta team at nationals for her weight category. 
Now she is a second degree black belt and currently competes in Muay Thai. She has completed her 200 hr yoga training and is in the works of completing her 300 hrs as well as a 200 hr trauma course. In her off hours she enjoys anything fast paced; skiing, motorcross, snowmobiling, rock climbing and hiking (aka anything that gets her adrenaline up) but likes to decompress with yin or restorative yoga.


She believes in always furthering her education and wants to help you work towards your fitness and personal goals together! She will be your biggest supporter while constantly pushing you to be the best version of yourself! 


She also adores her two kittens but loves all furry creatures.

If you’re ready, Ashley is ready for you!


Keto Allen

Our Resident Jacked Teddy Bear

Hi my name is Keto.


Yes Keto like the diet and yes that's my actual name.

I'm the newest member on the Amped Advantage team.


I've been in the fitness industry for 15 years. In that time I've made some people cry, throw up, in some instances bleed, and also started my own fitness business.


I've been involved in track and field, wrestling, mix martial arts just to name a few. My latest and current sport that I'm involved in is powerlifting.

I was the Canadian national champ in 2020, and placed 2nd on the world stage in Sweden in 2021.


Im a certified personal trainer, health coach, and nutritionist. I am a strength and conditioning coach with a ton of tools and tricks to get you pumped and motivated to make a change.


My mission is to change lives one squat at a time! Lets get started!


Michelle Ward

Mother, Superhuman, Multi-Tasking World Champion


I'm Michelle, your friendly, neighbourhood electro trainer!


I have had a million jobs, but until 2011, I was an adventure tour guide in the Rockies. It was an unbelievably exciting and rewarding job, but after a few years, I realized that the part I loved the most was the look in someone's eyes when they finally hit the summit of a difficult mountain. I loved seeing that sense of accomplishment and success. Those "I Did It!" moments felt so magical to me. Knowing that our inner mountains are far greater than any real ones, I went into personal training in the hopes of rediscovering that magic. Once I figured out that I absolutely could see that same magic dance in the eyes of my personal training clients, I knew I'd found my niche. 


Twelve years and hundreds of clients later, I still love seeing that magic when my clients reach their next level. I love seeing their hard work pay off, and watching them get stronger and healthier every day. That's why EMS was a no brainer for me. With EMS, we can work in a way that is impossible to my past experiences. Working from the outside in, we can meet you in the middle and maximize every result you're working toward. Once you're in the EMS suit, all the obstacles to your best health are suddenly smaller, just because you've got The Suit on your side! Your positive results can come faster than you've ever experienced before, and I can't wait to watch it happen!


So, if you're looking for a little (or a lot) of help to get you to your personal summit, I'm here for you! AND we've got The Suit to make it happen. 

Contact Us:

Call or Text - (403) 888-5022

1501 17th Ave SW - Unit 155
Calgary, AB

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